Open automagically at login. Check to, you know, automatically open CARROT Weather upon reboot of your Mac.

Update frequency. Determines how often CARROT Weather will update your default location in the background. Enable "smart" updates so CARROT can intelligently refresh your weather data at a much more frequent interval throughout the day. Select “manual” from the menu to prevent automatic updates.

Temperature, wind speed, and pressure. Pick the units of measurement you’d like CARROT to use to display your weather data.

Use 24-hour clock. Check to use the 24-hour clock, popular amongst military personnel and those who live outside the sovereignty of the United States.

Mini Window shortcut

The Mini Window can be instantly opened from any app using a system-wide shortcut. (The default shortcut is ⌥ + ⌘ + /).

To record a new shortcut, click the shortcut recorder button, then press the desired combination of keys for your shortcut. When you release the keys, the shortcut will be automatically saved and displayed in the button’s title.

Because the shortcut is available from any app, make sure you use a combination that won’t conflict with other system-wide shortcuts.

Sound effects

CARROT can be a bit of a chatterbox. If you’d like to shut her up, use this menu. A helpful “notifications only” option has been included so you can still hear an alert sound when a tornado warning comes in to warn you of your impending death. 

Twitter: @CARROT_app