If your question isn’t answered below, or you’d like to offer feedback, don’t hesitate to get in touch via email (support@meetCARROT.com) or Twitter (@CARROT_app).

About CARROT Fit

CARROT is a sadistic AI construct with one simple goal: to transform your flabby carcass into a Grade A specimen of the human race. She will do whatever it takes – including threatening, inspiring, ridiculing, and bribing you – to make this happen.

CARROT kicks off the epic journey towards a healthier you with her Weight Tracker and her 7 Minutes in Hell Workout. These are just the first of many planned "fitness modules." Others, such as Deathmarch 5K, are coming soon.

Using the app

After you complete the intro by selecting an avatar and your starting weight, you'll find yourself at the main screen. You can start a workout by tapping CARROT's eye, or you can visit the profile, weigh-in, store, or settings screens by tapping the buttons along the bottom or top right of the screen.

Unlockable rewards

As you level up, you'll unlock new features that improve the app, like the ability to set a goal weight, change the duration of each exercise, and more.

7 Minutes in Hell Workout

From the workout menu screen, you can either start the workout by tapping "Ready Player 1" or you can read about each exercise by tapping the instructions button.

Your first workout serves as a tutorial to introduce you to CARROT's strange exercises, and she'll tell you how to perform each while telling jokes and encouraging/threatening you. (During subsequent workouts, CARROT will narrate each exercise by drawing from a pool of over 3 hours worth of dialogue - so you won't get tired of hearing the same dialogue over and over.)

You can tap anywhere on the screen to pause the workout (as well as view the exercise instructions or quit the workout altogether).

As you level up, you'll unlock features that allow you to randomize the order of the exercises, as well as change the exercise and rest duration.

You can also unlock an additional 12 exercises by purchasing the Exercise Booster Pack from the Store.

Weight Tracker

When you submit new weight data, CARROT will judge your progress since your last weigh-in. If you've lost weight, she'll be happy with you and give you points. But if you've gained weight, she'll get angry - and you do not want to make CARROT angry.

If you ever log a weight incorrectly, you can just submit a new weight to overwrite the last one - CARROT only allows you to enter 1 weight per day, so any entered after that will just replace the last one.

To delete an individual weight, go to the Weight section of your Profile, then tap your Current Weight to bring up the individual Weight Entries. Swipe the entry you want to delete to the left, then tap the red delete button.

And finally...

You may want to go hunting for Easter eggs. There are a bunch of them.

Didn’t find your answer? Contact us!
Email: support@meetCARROT.com
Twitter: @CARROT_app